In order to bring Starlake residents a community of fun, sociable and friendly. To make Starlake Tay Ho Tay urban area become the most livable urban area in Vietnam, in addition to upgrading infrastructure, utilities. THT developer also offers free courses for residents this summer.
With a system of 3 tennis courts meeting standards, modernity and professionalism, bringing exciting and sporty atmosphere to improve health and connect sports movements for residents. To give residents who love this sport have time to live, participate in community activities, entertainment, entertainment. Starlake has decided to open free Tennis course for residents as follows:
- Participants: All Starlake Urban Residents aged 12 – 45.
- Form of organization: Establishing a club organized in the form of tennis courses, 16 sessions, 2 hours per session.
- Training location: Cluster of 03 tennis courts at CCV House, right in front of H7-TT1 area.
- Number of students: 10 students / class.
- Instructor coach: The coach is experienced, enthusiastic.
- Forms of Tennis Club activities at Starlake:
- Open regular courses with 2 levels:
- Level 1: Basic course for novice residents who do not have much experience playing tennis, help them learn postures, basic techniques, competition rules and know how to play tennis;
- Level 2: Advanced course for residents who have mastered the basic level, want to go deeper into technical expertise, for competition.
- Organize tournaments:
- Friendly competitions: Competition between classes / courses or friendly tournaments after each course.
- Organize extended tennis tournaments.
For further information, please contact:
Management Board of Starlake Urban Area
Address: 2nd floor, CCV House – Starlake urban, Tay Ho, Hanoi
Hotline: 024 6688 6754/6/8/9